Stop Paying to
Get Paid
Experience no-cost payment processing with freely

Stop Paying to
Get Paid
Experience no-cost payment processing with freely
It Starts with freely acceptance™

Proprietary Solution
Designed for food vendors, freely eliminates payment processing fees while streamlining your receivables process.

Automated Reconciliation
freely ends the back-and-forth associated with invoice discrepancies, while intelligent collections reduce debt.

F&B Specific
Built for the food & beverage space, freely’s payments gateway was shaped by some of the industry’s top minds.

Intelligent Routing
Included with freely acceptance, freely’s proprietary gateway routes every credit card transaction at the lowest cost possible, guaranteed, thanks to freely’s intelligent routing engine.
Direct ERP Integrations

Get More with freely pay ™
Launching in Q4 of 2024, freely pay™ is a co-branded credit card program that is shifting the payment paradigm in favor of food vendors and their customers. With freely pay, the co-branded card you extend to your customers not only includes free payment processing but earns your customers cash back on every purchase, including the ones they make with you.

Here’s How It Works

Perks Your Customers Will Love
With freely pay, your customers get early-pay discounts and 30-day interest-free payment floats on freely’s balance sheet, not yours.

Customizable Rewards Program
freely pay lets you customize a customer rewards program to spur card usage and earn you more cashback.

freely Takes Care of It
freely pay handles all administration and servicing associated with your co-branded credit card. Just send us your logo and we’ll do the rest!